
HALLOWEEN -- hauntings and ghostlings

(This is a startling poem that evokes images of death, ghosts, murder, loneliness, hopelessness, and a mind full of specters that wander in the pathways and maze of a burdened brain.  A poem definitely for the Halloween season – and a reminder that death is the final chapter of birth.  SO I say – LIVE for the MOMENT, for it too will pass beyond the DOOR.  [dht-2011])

 [A haunting poem #670 by Emily Elizabeth Dickinson, my maternal Cousin]

One need not be a Chamber — to be Haunted —
One need not be a House —
The Brain has Corridors — surpassing
Material Place —

Far safer, of a Midnight Meeting
External Ghost
Than its interior Confronting —
That Cooler Host.

Far safer, through an Abbey gallop,
The Stones a’chase —
Than Unarmed, one’s a’self encounter —
In lonesome Place —

Ourself behind ourself, concealed —
Should startle most —
Assassin hid in our Apartment
Be Horror’s least.

The Body — borrows a Revolver —
He bolts the Door —
O’erlooking a superior spectre —
Or More —





              [Photo Source: Google online images – see photo for credit]

(28 OCT 2011 -- Whenever in doubt, I follow my Heart.  It knows the way that is true -- where my Eyes know only Blue.  JUST A FEW NOTES -- about how my Eyes have played me false, but my Heart has always been true! 

What do you see with your EYES?   With your Heart?   Which do you follow -- today?  dht-2011)

My Eyes are the portals where Life's purview -- displays in wonder.
Where Eyes often guide one astray – the Heart will always lead you Home.
What disappoints the Eye – the Heart harkens with gladness.
When the Eye deceives – close your eyes and See with your Heart.
My Heart sees the beauty and Love within – while the Eyes see only the masks.
[Dorothy Hazel Tarr - 2011]



[Photo Source:   Google online images – Norman Rockwell]

(26 OCT 2011 -- The person within awaits that special someone – that special moment – when the seeds of LOVE will once again find fertile ground and grow.  ~dht-2011)

The first memories of feeling LOVED that I felt, where at age five, when I lived with my maternal grandparents for a year or so.

There were so many reflections of Love in their eyes and their actions.  The feelings and memories have lasted me a Lifetime.  Always, I have sought that Love in other eyes through the years – with a hunger that has never been sated.

A sense of not being worthy of Love is ever present.  I have tried to prove I'm worthy of Loving by serving others, giving of myself to the point of privation, subordinating my Dreams to the dreams of others, and putting my own hurt aside to help others.

Somewhere the seeds of LOVE await fertile ground to spring forth again and grow – nurtured by those who want to really get to know the person within.

[Dorothy Hazel Tarr - 2011]


Nature's Caring Arms

                      [Photo Source:  My camera, my photos, my wildlife neighborhood.]

(25 OCT 2011 - There is no tonic or elixir of Life that can compare to the balm of Nature upon the human Spirit. dht-2011)

The balm of Nature surrounds me –
And I'm content.

Birds in the sky follow air currents –
And I'm content.

Creatures in the bush skitter about –
And I'm content.

Nearby water ripples over shimmering stones –
cascading in a curtain of liquid silver –
And I'm content.

Wild grasses waft to a gentle breeze –
combed to a tamed sweet order –
And I'm content.

Clouds shelter from on high –
holding Mother Earth in embrace –
And I'm content.

In Nature's Caring Arms
slumber beckons – while blissful Dreams fill my senses –
And I'm content.

My troubled thoughts float away –
on the wings of the day –
And I'm content.

[Dorothy Hazel Tarr - 2011]

[Photo Source:  My camera, my photos, my wildlife neighborhood.]


                            [Photo Source:  Google online images]

(25 OCT 2011 --   THERE are so are many In-Between stages in Life: Youth and Old Age, Childhood and Adulthood, Engagement and Marriage, Student and Graduate, Marriage and Divorce, Spring and Winter, and ...  WHERE you are NOW and WHERE  you will be TOMORROW.  dht-2011)

THERE was a day of birth –
so many years ago.

THERE is a day of death –
come nearer even now.

THERE is then - only this moment In-Between –
where Life lives somehow.

OUR Yesterdays are history –
written on the wind.

OUR Tomorrow a Dream –
misted in Hope.

OUR Today a gamble or a guarantee –
Somewhere – In - Between.

[Dorothy Hazel Tarr - 2011]


A Walk in the Dark

[Photo Source: Google online images]

(23 Oct 2011 - A constitutional stroll in the wilds of Nature - to clear the Cobwebs and release the Spirit.  BUT, WATCH OUT for the PUMPKINS – HAPPY HALLOWEEN AND TREAT-OR-TREATING!  dht-2011)

The Walls of my day –
held me prisoner.

The need to escape for a Time –
a mandate.

With walker and walking shoes –
I took a stroll.

The dark my Cloak –
the stars my Companion –
the streetlights my Guides.

[Dorothy Hazel Tarr - 2011]


Sweet Taste of Love

[Photo Source: Google online images]

(23 OCT 2011 – The Sweetness of Life is watered down by the Tears of a wounded Heart.  dht-2011)

My eyes are cloudy -- 
with the feelings of one -- 
whose Life has passed by -- 
without the Sweet Taste of Love -- 
to ease its Passage.

A long ago Dream, unfulfilled -- 
of children, spouse, family, and friendships --
of gatherings at holidays and family occasions --
of tables laden with food from favored recipes --  
of Love and Laughter, of belonging --   
linger in the shrouded corners of my Heart.

Tears fill my eyes
as I dare to Dream
the incredible – the impossible. 
Yet I'm afraid to release the Dream -- 
for fear its absence would be unbearable.

[Dorothy Hazel Tarr - 2011]


[Photo Source: Google online images]

(23 OCT 2011 – Time's prisoner -- held captive by the Past!  dht-2011)

Mistiness clouds my eyes as I look down the Road of Yesterday.
Turning full circle, the Paths to Tomorrow seem crowded with loneliness and despair – only more days like the last, without Hope with No Horizon.
This Moment is all there is and all there will ever be – its captive all I'll ever be.
Yesterday's moments are gone – but their Passage has left deep Heart Felt Wounds.
Tomorrow's hurdles seem more than one can bear.
This moment is all the burden I can manage – it is all I can do to survive even This Moment.

[Dorothy Hazel Tarr - 2011]

The Path Behind

                            [Photo Source: Google online images]

(23 OCT 2011 - Who is to say how long the Journey?  How long the Heartache?  How long the grieving?  Who can say – when it's done?  There is but ONE LIFE, but many ROADS and many TEARS to pave a Path!  Never again to relive those precious moments Past – Yet Never really living the Present!  Forevermore living on the sidelines and shadows! ~dht-2011)

The Past is so hard to release – 
at times, it is the only Reality –
the only Companion.

There is only the Past –
there is Nothing to take its place –
in the Here, Now, or Future.

The Path ahead holds no interest –
holds no variation –
holds no Hope.

Tis a never ending struggle –
putting one foot in front of the other –
getting through the daily serving –
of Heartache and Despair.

My daily walk -- Footsore –
with wounded Heart --
with eyes continually looking –
at The Path Behind.

[Dorothy Hazel Tarr - 2011]

Ashes on the Wind

                              [Photo Source:  Google online images]

(23 OCT 2011 --  Words are a poor consolation prize for someone playing at the game of Life with tokens of bygone memories. [dht-2011])

Where are the words to describe –
the Heart's yearning for –
Hearth & Home, Family & Children –
and a Loving & Faithful spouse.

LOVE and Laughter -- fade
in the lonely years of Winter.

Sobs of regret tangle in my throat –
as my eyes fill with Tears –
that try to wash away –
the Heartache of my Life.

How do you follow your Dream –
when your Heart has turned –
to Ashes in the Wind

[Dorothy Hazel Tarr - 2011]

Circle of Life

[Photo Source: My camera, my photo of my neighbors and Nature's wonders.]
(23 Oct 2011 -- A walk on the dirt pathways of the wildlife nature preserve where I live, always shakes the troubles from my thoughts and adds perspective to my perception. dht-2011)

A cool morning mist hangs in the air until a lazy sunrise wakens the New Day.

Shorter days signal Nature's preparations for a Winter's slumber.

Another endless cycle of birth and death completes the season.

The occasional echoes of passing migrating California Canada Geese fill the air.

As I look up, my Life seems to fall into perspective within the larger Circle of Life.

[Dorothy Hazel Tarr - 2011]

[VIDEO: My camera, my video of the neighboring geese, in the wildlife preserve where I live, as they spy my digital eye and take flight. dht-11OCT2010]

[VIDEO: My camera, my video of the neighboring geese, in the wildlife preserve where I live, dht-2011]


                           [Photo Source: Google online images]

(23 OCT 2011 – Have you ever had a LOW where there was no light, but only the darkness of depression, where you slumped into an timelessness weighted down by the burdens in your Life without the light of Hope?  Such a surreality is a continuality twined to the Heart of many whose wounds are visible only in the eyes of their Soul.  Where is the Light to show me the Way -- to Calm my Fears -- to Dry my Tears?  ~dht-2011 )

Deep, tearing sobs, escape a Heart –
encased in utter Hopelessness and Despair.

Screams of anguish and anger echo –
through the hollow halls of my body and soul.

No longer can I continue in this way –
but neither can I retrace my footsteps or start again.

So many years full of despair, Loss, disappointment, pain, regrets –
The Burdens So Heavy.

[Dorothy Hazel Tarr - 2011]
                                        [PhotoSource: Google online images]



                        [Photo Source: Google online images]

(Oh, to hold the moments so precious and rare, just once more, that brought forth the smile to my face and Joy to my Heart.  The pages of our memories fray with Time -- and turn to Dust in the Wind.  dht-22 OCT 2011)

Life is --
so fragile – so brief – so fleeting.

With the first breath at birth --
the Journey begins.

Each day that passes –
brings the last day nearer.

The moments between the first and last –
are As Dust in the Wind.

[Dorothy Hazel Tarr - 2011]


                            [Photo Source:  Google online image]

(22 OCT 2011 -- Memories of Yesterday are a sharp edged sword, that bring to mind moments of Joy, while inflicting the pain of regret.  dht- 2011)

Mementos once held with Joy –
Now open wounds Never healed.

Memories rekindle longings within –
of abandoned Hopes Never realized.

At every turn – the Heart –
finds Reminders of the Days.

[Dorothy Hazel Tarr - 2011]


                                 [Photo Source:   Google online images]

(OCT 2011 -- On my Heart are embedded the memories of my Love, entwined forever in the bonds of Time.  dht-2011)

In my dream –
there is a Tree –
where deeply carved are
my Love's Name with Mine.

The deep gouges –
Now Weathered –
with the Passage of Time.

The Tree of Love –
Now surrounded with –
a Forrest of unfulfilled –
Hopes and Wishes.

[Dorothy Hazel Tarr - 2011]


                         [Photo Source:  Google online images]

(There are so many mysteries in my Daily Life, held secret behind Nature's veil.  The Blessings and gifts served on the wings of a new Day, are as Whispers in my Ear that remind me of the Promises in my Christian Bible, for which my daily prayers give Thanks.  dht-OCT 2011)

Nature holds many of Life's secrets –

The Promises in a New Dawn our Blessings –

The Word of GOD reveals to those
whose Heart listens --

The Sounds of a moment's passage --
but Whispers in the Wind.

[Dorothy Hazel Tarr - 2011]


[Photo Source:  Google online images]

(If your Heart lives in your Dreams, the World must "knock at its door", for the KEY to your HEART is a MYSTERY shrouded in LOST LOVE.   dht-22 OCT 2011)

All the carefully erected walls
shelter a wounded Heart --  
and prove a shield against
the chill of shattered Hopes.

Dreams that beckon
for fulfillment
in a realm
of surreality.

Reality the danger –
threatens to breach the walls –
seeks to destroy the safe harbor of –
Impossible Dreams !

[Dorothy Hazel Tarr - 2011]