

                     [Photo Source: Google online images]

(11 Jul 2011 -- WELL, like most of my maternal Cousin Emily's poems, this is short, but rich in depth of meaning, as she describes that 'perfect dream' that upon waking, we do NOT want to END.  I have had many of these and recall pushing aside the call of revelry to AWAKE in pursuit of just a few more moments of that 'perfect dream'.  dht-2011) 


Let me not mar that perfect Dream
By an Auroral stain
But so adjust my daily Night
That it will come again.

Not when we know, the Power accosts --
The Garment of Surprise
Was all our timid Mother wore
At Home -- in Paradise.
[Poem #1335 by Emily Elizabeth Dickinson ]

(I always have to have a dictionary handy when I read Cousin Emily's poetry and writings. Emily was truly a gifted writer and always had a dictionary at hand when she wrote. She loved weaving thoughts into the written word.  Below is a brief definition of one of the words she used in the above poem, that I had to look up to check on the meaning as she used it in this poem.   dht-2011)

Def: Auroral

1.  auroral -
     of or relating to the atmospheric
     phenomenon auroras;          
     a prominent green line in the spectrum
     of the auroras is called the `auroral line'.

2. auroral -
    characteristic of the dawn; "a dim auroral glow".)

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